Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My New Cheesecakes

Everyone that I've spoken to about my new cheesecakes have waxed lyrical about some all-time fantastic cheesecake that their mum, gran or Auntie Mavis has cooked for every family function since the time they could remember. Well I'm here to tell you, I reckon I've cracked it and I challenge every cheesecake quaffing expert out there to drop everything you are doing RIGHT NOW and rush into your nearest Thomas Dux Grocer or one of my cafes to  try a Simmone Logue cheesecake for yourself.....

If you don't instantly melt into culinary heaven on first bite then you can get your mum, gran or Auntie Mavis to come and give me a few tips.

I've created three different options all wrapped up in a pretty red gingham box. Perfect to take as a gift if you're going over to family and friends for dinner.

My classic and famous lemon curd is in the mix. Although, for a change, I've added a strawberry curd and a kaffir lime and coconut as well.


They weigh 1kg so they're nice and gutsy and go around a table of ten easily with a dollop of double cream on the side and maybe some fresh berries.

These cheesecakes are baked with fresh eggs and, of course, all the lovely natural ingredients you'd expect. Just like.... well, mum, gran or Auntie Mavis would use!

Happy eating,
Simmone Logue (cheesecake connoisseur)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aussie Farmers Deserve A Break!

It's this time of the year when the first harvest from out west bares it's luscious fruit and I set about making my annual batch of ruby apricot paste to sell in store for Christmas. So, as they do in the country, I swapped my time as the camp cook for a pallet of Earlicot apricots and headed to Menindee to pick, pack and cook for a few days.

It was so much fun and if I didn't have such a huge amount of fruit mince tarts to make I probably wouldn't have come home!!

We take so much for granted when we pluck our fruit and veg off the supermarket shelves. As an ambassador for Australian Year of the Farmer I would like to take my hat off to every single farmer in the country. Blood, sweat, tears and a whole lot of worry goes into producing our food. After my time on the orcahrd, I am making a personal quest and urging everyone I know to get behind the Aussie farmers and only buy Australian grown produce. To my mind, this is the foundation on which everything else is built on.

The bees are brought in to do their job when the flowers are setting to pollinate the fruit.

A welcome place to lay one's head after a big day in the orchard and a big cook up for the weary workers.

The long road home from Menindee as I farewell my new friends at the desert fresh produce.

My apricot paste is available to purchase off the Christmas brochure along with lots of other gorgeous goodies for the holiday season. Click here to view.

Happy cooking,
Simmone x